Chewy sweets with natural glucomannan from the konjac plant
Natural glucomannan, obtained from the konjac plant, has a filling effect and increases well-being. Digestion is optimized. Slims support you daily with sustainable weight loss with only 17 calories/piece.
Our Slims gently quench your appetite for unhealthy foods, helping you to enjoy a simple and healthy lifestyle calories.

SLIMS BY H&K - chewing candy with natural glucomannan from the konjac plant
Natural dietary supplement for lasting satiety and avoiding unhealthy cravings
Only 17 kcal/piece
Glucomannan prolongs satiety and reduces appetite naturally
Positive health claims approved by the European Food Safety Authority
No added sugar, non-GMO, gluten-free, sweetened with stevia
Suitable for vegans
Packed in weekly units of 21 pieces (21 x 6 g)​
Slim's chewy candies contain natural glucomannan flour. This has been extracted from the konjac plant for centuries and is considered a staple food in Asian countries. Natural glucomannan can contribute to weight loss due to its special abilities. The feeling of satiety is prolonged as the absorption of macronutrients increases and food intake is slowed down. Healthy digestion is promoted.
The glucommanan flour, the main active ingredient of our slims, absorbs 50 times its weight when combined with water. When taking the slim, a high-fibre, healthy jelly develops in the stomach after consumption, which has a satiating and soothing effect.
Slims are a dietary supplement that can facilitate low-calorie, weight-reducing nutrition in everyday life. A normal diet, without restricting certain foods, can be maintained. The body weight and body fat percentage can thus be sustainably reduced without wasting time or doing without.
Slims chewy candies with natural glucomannan from the konjac plant are the perfect everyday companion and support a balanced and healthy diet. Suitable for diabetics, people with celiac disease and vegans

For weight loss, we recommend 1 Slims chewy candy 3 times a day as a dietary supplement. Optimal intake time = 30 minutes before meals to reduce appetite.
Important: ALWAYS drink after chewing and swallowing the chewy candy!! immediately a large glass of water (250 ml). This facilitates the passage of the natural konjac flour into the stomach and ensures optimal absorption of the glucomannan.
Tip: If you need to be quick and don't have time for healthy, slow eating, simply take 1x Slims as a snack with a glass of water.
To regulate cholesterol, we recommend 3 Slims per day before meals or as a snack.

1 glass
of water